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Showing posts from December, 2023
Di dunia yang udah gila ini, yang benar-benar harus dijaga adalah rasa takut kepada Allah. Takut kalau Allah ga ridho dengan apa yang kita lakukan, takut meninggalkan perintah-Nya, takut mendekati apa yang dilarang-Nya. Udah, itu aja biar bisa selamat

Human’s Soul Journey after Death

Hey blog. Long time ago we meet, I realized that I’ve never write something after that. As long as I tried to finding the divine of love, there were too many question had spinning around in my head.  What is that one act of kindness you'd do before you die? Did you get the message? What’s the point of having a relationship with someone? And what’s purpose of your dawah? The most important thing to do is to prepare for this event, for journey after death.  How to achieve it?  Evidently by repenting to Allah (swt); for He accepts all sincere repentance, even when a person returns from heresy or atheism.  In short, He accepts any form of repentance, full of joy, i.e this joy is compared to that of a person who has just lost his mount (camel or saddle horse) in the desert, finding it, he becomes all happy.  Repentance can only be effective if the person gets to work seriously, doing all of his Divine duties properly, without excluding anyone whatsover the motives th...