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Pantience Become More Difficult

Everyone, everything. Why both of them trying to test my patience? 

When I was young, I remember being very patient. I will throw it away in one go, especially if you put me near the sewing machine. These days, if I don’t pay attention, it’s likely that the timing of the traffic lights is improper, and it may hurt me.

In addition, in this era of instant gratification and the rapid development of the online world, patience becomes more and more difficult. We tend to expect things to happen immediately, but usually they do not happen.

You will see that when we shift our focus to other things (for example, we start looking for green trees or green cars), it will change our feelings. Calm down.

People also believe that "we focus on us and get more." When we pay attention to more green objects, we noticed that the traffic light turns green when we go to work.

Now, you may call me a lunatic, but you hear my voice here because I have done it many times.

In the "power" described in quantum physics, it is said that similar particles attract similar particles. This means that when we focus on what we want, we attract more things.

Except that we can get positive results by changing our attention, there is usually nothing we can do to change things. At such times, this is indeed true. Regardless of whether we can change or not, the accepted approach will help us remain calm. This is another of these important advantages, not to give up.

Acceptance does not mean that we are happy with what happened. Of course, this does not mean that we do not want to change everything. It just means that we don't want to give ourselves a tougher time. We just want to let go.

Except that we can get positive results by changing our attention, there is usually nothing we can do to change things. At such times, this is indeed true. Regardless of whether we can change or not, the accepted approach will help us remain calm. This is another of these important advantages, not to give up. Acceptance does not mean that we are happy with what happened. Of course, this does not mean that we do not want to change everything. It just means that we don't want to give ourselves a tougher time. We just want to let go.Except that we can get positive results by changing our attention, there is usually nothing we can do to change things. At such times, this is indeed true. Regardless of whether we can change or not, the accepted approach will help us remain calm. This is another of these important advantages, not to give up. Acceptance does not mean that we are happy with what happened. Of course, this does not mean that we do not want to change everything. It just means that we don't want to give ourselves a tougher time. We just want to let go.

When I was young, I remember being very patient. I will throw it away in one go, especially if you put me near the sewing machine. These days, if I don’t pay attention, it’s likely that the timing of the traffic lights is improper, and it may hurt me. In addition, in this era of instant gratification and the rapid development of the online world, patience becomes more and more difficult. We tend to expect things to happen immediately, but usually they do not happen. When I was young, I remember being very patient. I will throw it away in one go, especially if you put me near the sewing machine. These days, if I don’t pay attention, it’s likely that the timing of the traffic lights is improper, and it may hurt me. In addition, in this era of instant gratification and the rapid development of the online world, patience becomes more and more difficult. We tend to expect things to happen immediately, but usually they do not happen.

When I was young, I remember being very patient. I will throw it away in one go, especially if you put me near the sewing machine. These days, if I don’t pay attention, it’s likely that the timing of the traffic lights is improper, and it may hurt me. In addition, in this era of instant gratification and the rapid development of the online world, patience becomes more and more difficult. We tend to expect things to happen immediately, but usually they do not happen.


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