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Showing posts from May, 2021
 Human being Just be a person as normally I ask Quora Who is the real human being? And listen carefully to the answer The person who knows that he is a human being and do the acts of being human is great. People think the words of human being and being human are just jumbling of two words but the entire world revolves and rotates around this. The people who can know the meaning of both words are not great but people who are able to differentiate and implement there by impacting other human being to live as being human are really great. Once people come to know the reality then they obviously know why it become reality. Hardest thing for human is realities always hurts , we habituate the unrealistic things and expectations to be penetrated in life along with our span of life.
Setelah ditilik lebih jauh,  Kita berusaha untuk menjadi "terlihat seperti" Bukan memilih untuk menjadi demikian Berpura-pura  Sampai lupa bahwa sedang berpura-pura Sebuah pemakluman yang diwajarkan
 Kita hidup di zaman ketika kurang pencitraan, kurang dikenal orang banyak. Apa orang-orang tidak lelah ya berpura-pura. Memperlihatkan apapun ke sosial media sampai tidak ada lagi yang dapat dipamerkan.